Welcome to the [Brand Name] Privacy Policy. When you visit our website at topmobilecasino.co.uk or any linked pages and contact us with inquiries, you acknowledge and consent to comply with both our Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy.

In this Privacy Policy:

    • “We,” “Us,” or “Our” refers to [Brand Name].
    • “You” refers to the users of our website.

Compliance with Privacy Laws

Our information processing adheres to Applicable Privacy Laws, encompassing Data Protection Act 2018 (The UK GDPR) and other applicable privacy regulations from governmental jurisdictions.

Personal Information

“Personal information” encompasses any details about an identifiable individual, including Personal Data related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

  • Help in resolving any of the users logged issues

Processing activities

“Processing” includes any actions performed on Personal Information, whether automated or not, such as collection, recording, storage, use, and disclosure.

Last Policy Update

This Website’s Privacy Policy was last updated on 23 May 2024 and may be subject to revisions time to time. The most recent version is always accessible on this page.

Data Protection Commitments

We are committed to processing Personal Information in accordance with Applicable Privacy Laws. Our principles are the following:

  • Secure processing to prevent unauthorized access or loss
  • Lawful, transparent, and fair processing
  • Accuracy and, when necessary, update of information
  • Collection for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes
  • Adequate and limited scope of processing
  • Storage for the necessary duration

Types of Data Collected

When you visit our website, we only process and store your public IP address, date, and time of access. If you contact us, the information you share will be used to assist with your queries.

Usage of Personal Information

We handle Personal Information either with your consent or to meet legal obligations/our legitimate interests. The collection of information serves purposes such as identity verification and improving our website.

Your Privacy Rights

Under the relevant Privacy Laws, you have rights like objecting to processing, accessing your information, rectification, and data portability. To exercise these rights, reach out to us at support@topmobilecasino.co.uk. Additionally, you may have the option to file a complaint with the appropriate authority in your jurisdiction.

Transfer of Personal Information

We do not share information with third parties. If data is processed outside your jurisdiction, be assured that it is handled securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Security Measures

We are committed in securing Personal Information by employing suitable measures, imposing access restrictions, and regularly updating security policies.

Contact Information

For any questions about this Privacy Policy or your information, feel free to contact us at support@topmobilecasino.co.uk. We are available to provide assistance.


Cookie Policy

Cookie Overview

Cookies are small files stored on your computer’s hard drive, serving to recognize your preferences and enhance your browsing experience on our website.

Use of Cookies

We utilize cookies to analyse web traffic, discern your website usage, and try new features. While you have the option to disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings, please be aware that this may impact the functionality of our website.

Third-Party Analytics

For analytics purposes, we leverage Google Analytics and Matomo cookies. For more detailed information, refer to the official pages of Google Analytics or Matomo.

Security Assurance

We reinforce the security of your information through physical and electronic safeguards in accordance with the Applicable Laws. No information that could independently identify individuals is stored without your permission.

Contact Us

For further questions about this Cookie Policy, feel free to reach out to us at support@topmobilecasino.co.uk.